

Top image:©Maroon 5
アルバム: ジョーディ
アーティスト: マルーン5
リリース: 2021年
注目のアーティスト: ミーガン・ジー・スタリオン
ジャンル: ポップ

Maroon 5 – Beautiful Mistakes ft. Megan Thee Stallion (Official Music Video)

Beautiful Mistakes – Lyrics

(Beautiful, beautiful mistakes)
It’s beautiful, it’s bittersweet, you’re like a broken home to me
I take a shot of memories and black out like an empty street
I fill my days with the way you walk and fill my nights with broken dreams
I make up lies inside my head, like, “One day, you’ll come back to me”
Now I’m not holdin’ on, not holdin’ on
I’m just depressed that you’re gone
Not holdin’ on, not holdin’ on
Beautiful mistakes I make inside my head
She’s naked in my bed
And now we lie awake, making beautiful mistakes
I wouldn’t take ‘em back
I’m in love with the past
And now we lie awake, making beautiful mistakes
Nah-nah-nah, in my head
Nah-nah-nah, in my bed
Nah-nah-nah (ay)
Making beautiful mistakes
It’s pitiful, I can’t believe how every day gets worse for me (yeah, yeah)
I take a break, I cut you off to keep myself from looking soft
I fill my nights with the way you was and still wake up with broken dreams
I make these lies inside my head, feel like they’re my reality
Now I’m not holdin’ on, not holdin’ on
I’m just depressed that you’re gone
Not holdin’ on, not holdin’ on
Beautiful mistakes I make inside my head
She’s naked in my bed
And now we lie awake, making beautiful mistakes
I wouldn’t take ‘em back
I’m in love with the past
And now we lie awake, making beautiful mistakes
Nah-nah-nah, in my head
Nah-nah-nah, in my bed
Nah-nah-nah (yeah, yeah)
Making beautiful mistakes
You did me wrong ‘cause I let you
Usually, I like my situations beneficial
Doing something different, got me looking stupid (damn)
The only way I’m coming back to you is if you dream it, lucid (yeah)
Prove it, if you made a promise, then keep it (keep it)
Why you wanna lie, and then get mad? I don’t believe it (boy, bye)
But really, I was doing just fine without ya
Looking fine, sipping wine, dancing on club couches (ah)
Baby, why you wanna lose me like you don’t need me? (Like you don’t need me)
Like I don’t block you and you still try to reach me (still try to reach me)
How you figure out how to call me from the TV? (Huh?)
You running outta chances, and this time I mean it (ah)
Yeah, bet you miss my love, all in your bed (bed)
Now you’re stressing out, pulling your hair (hair)
Smelling your pillows and wishing I was there (I was there)
Sliding down the shower wall, looking sad (sad)
I know it’s hard to let go, I’m the best (I’m the best)
Best you ever had and best you gon’ get (gon’ get)
And if we break up, I don’t wanna be friends (be friends)
You’re toxic
Beautiful mistakes I make inside my head
She’s naked in my bed
And now we lie awake, making beautiful mistakes
I wouldn’t take ‘em back
I’m in love with the past
And now we lie awake, making beautiful mistakes
Nah-nah-nah, in my head
Nah-nah-nah, in my bed
Nah-nah-nah (yeah, yeah, oh)
Making beautiful mistakes
Nah-nah-nah, in my head
Nah-nah-nah, in my bed
Nah-nah-nah (ay, beautiful)
Making beautiful mistakes
Nah-nah-nah (ooh)
(Beautiful mistakes)

ソングライター: Adam Noah Levine, Jacob Kasher Hindlin, Andrew Maxwell Goldstein, Matthew Tyler Musto, Joe Kirkland, Megan J. Pete

Beautiful Mistakes – 歌詞和訳

(Beautiful, beautiful mistakes)

It’s beautiful, it’s bittersweet, you’re like a broken home to me
I take a shot of memories and black out like an empty street
I fill my days with the way you walk and fill my nights with broken dreams
I make up lies inside my head, like, “One day, you’ll come back to me”

Now I’m not holdin’ on, not holdin’ on
I’m just depressed that you’re gone
Not holdin’ on, not holdin’ on

Beautiful mistakes I make inside my head
She’s naked in my bed
And now we lie awake, making beautiful mistakes
I wouldn’t take ‘em back
I’m in love with the past
And now we lie awake, making beautiful mistakes

Nah-nah-nah, in my head
Nah-nah-nah, in my bed
Nah-nah-nah (ay)
Making beautiful mistakes

It’s pitiful, I can’t believe how every day gets worse for me (yeah, yeah)
I take a break, I cut you off to keep myself from looking soft
I fill my nights with the way you was and still wake up with broken dreams
I make these lies inside my head, feel like they’re my reality

Now I’m not holdin’ on, not holdin’ on
I’m just depressed that you’re gone
Not holdin’ on, not holdin’ on

Beautiful mistakes I make inside my head
She’s naked in my bed
And now we lie awake, making beautiful mistakes
I wouldn’t take ‘em back
I’m in love with the past
And now we lie awake, making beautiful mistakes

Nah-nah-nah, in my head
Nah-nah-nah, in my bed
Nah-nah-nah (yeah, yeah)
Making beautiful mistakes

You did me wrong ‘cause I let you
Usually, I like my situations beneficial
Doing something different, got me looking stupid (damn)
The only way I’m coming back to you is if you dream it, lucid (yeah)
Prove it, if you made a promise, then keep it (keep it)
Why you wanna lie, and then get mad? I don’t believe it (boy, bye)

But really, I was doing just fine without ya
Looking fine, sipping wine, dancing on club couches (ah)
Baby, why you wanna lose me like you don’t need me? (Like you don’t need me)
Like I don’t block you and you still try to reach me (still try to reach me)
How you figure out how to call me from the TV? (Huh?)
You running outta chances, and this time I mean it (ah)

Yeah, bet you miss my love, all in your bed (bed)
Now you’re stressing out, pulling your hair (hair)
Smelling your pillows and wishing I was there (I was there)
Sliding down the shower wall, looking sad (sad)
I know it’s hard to let go, I’m the best (I’m the best)
Best you ever had and best you gon’ get (gon’ get)
And if we break up, I don’t wanna be friends (be friends)
You’re toxic

Beautiful mistakes I make inside my head
She’s naked in my bed
And now we lie awake, making beautiful mistakes
I wouldn’t take ‘em back
I’m in love with the past
And now we lie awake, making beautiful mistakes

Nah-nah-nah, in my head
Nah-nah-nah, in my bed
Nah-nah-nah (yeah, yeah, oh)
Making beautiful mistakes

Nah-nah-nah, in my head
Nah-nah-nah, in my bed
Nah-nah-nah (ay, beautiful)
Making beautiful mistakes

Nah-nah-nah (ooh)
(Beautiful mistakes)


1. bittersweet
意味: 甘くて苦い、ほろ苦い
発音: /ˈbɪtərˌswiːt/
例文: The end of the school year was a bittersweet moment for the students.
訳: 学年の終わりは生徒たちにとってほろ苦い瞬間だった。

2. depressed
意味: 落ち込んでいる、うつ病の
発音: /dɪˈprɛst/
例文: She felt depressed after hearing the bad news.
訳: 彼女は悪いニュースを聞いて落ち込んだ。

3. mistake
意味: 間違い、誤り
発音: /mɪˈsteɪk/
例文: Making mistakes is a part of learning.
訳: 間違いを犯すことは学習の一部です。

4. reality
意味: 現実、実際
発音: /riˈæləti/
例文: The reality of the situation was hard to accept.
訳: 状況の現実を受け入れるのは難しかった。

5. beneficial
意味: 有益な、ためになる
発音: /ˌbɛnɪˈfɪʃəl/
例文: Regular exercise is beneficial to your health.
訳: 定期的な運動は健康に有益です。

6. promise
意味: 約束
発音: /ˈprɑːmɪs/
例文: He made a promise to help her with the project.
訳: 彼は彼女のプロジェクトを手伝うと約束した。

7. situation
意味: 状況、事態
発音: /ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃən/
例文: The situation is under control now.
訳: 状況は今、制御下にあります。

8. prove
意味: 証明する、立証する
発音: /pruːv/
例文: He had to prove his innocence in court.
訳: 彼は法廷で自分の無実を証明しなければならなかった。

9. toxic
意味: 有毒な、有害な
発音: /ˈtɑːksɪk/
例文: The relationship became toxic over time.
訳: その関係は時間とともに有害になった。

10. lucid
意味: 明晰な、はっきりとした
発音: /ˈluːsɪd/
例文: She gave a lucid explanation of the problem.
訳: 彼女は問題について明晰な説明をした。


(Beautiful, beautiful mistakes)

It’s beautiful, it’s bittersweet, you’re like a broken home to me
I take a shot of memories and black out like an empty street
I fill my days with the way you walk and fill my nights with broken dreams
I make up lies inside my head, like, “One day, you’ll come back to me”

Now I’m not holdin’ on, not holdin’ on
I’m just depressed that you’re gone
Not holdin’ on, not holdin’ on

### 解説
この部分では、歌い手が過去の恋愛を振り返り、その関係が美しくも苦いものであったことを表現しています。「broken home」は壊れた家庭を意味し、恋人との関係が不安定であったことを示唆しています。「I take a shot of memories」は、思い出を飲み込むように思い出すことを意味し、「black out like an empty street」は、空っぽの通りのように記憶が途切れることを表現しています。

Beautiful mistakes I make inside my head
She’s naked in my bed
And now we lie awake, making beautiful mistakes
I wouldn’t take ‘em back
I’m in love with the past
And now we lie awake, making beautiful mistakes

Nah-nah-nah, in my head
Nah-nah-nah, in my bed
Nah-nah-nah (ay)
Making beautiful mistakes

### 解説
ここでは、歌い手が過去の恋愛の「美しい間違い」を思い出し、それを後悔していないことを表現しています。「She’s naked in my bed」は、恋人がベッドにいることを示し、親密な関係を表しています。「I wouldn’t take ‘em back」は、その過去を取り戻したくないという意味です。

It’s pitiful, I can’t believe how every day gets worse for me (yeah, yeah)
I take a break, I cut you off to keep myself from looking soft
I fill my nights with the way you was and still wake up with broken dreams
I make these lies inside my head, feel like they’re my reality

Now I’m not holdin’ on, not holdin’ on
I’m just depressed that you’re gone
Not holdin’ on, not holdin’ on

### 解説
この部分では、歌い手が恋人との別れを受け入れられず、毎日が悪化していることを表現しています。「I cut you off」は、恋人との連絡を断つことを意味し、「to keep myself from looking soft」は、自分が弱く見えないようにするためです。「broken dreams」は、壊れた夢を意味し、失望感を表現しています。

You did me wrong ‘cause I let you
Usually, I like my situations beneficial
Doing something different, got me looking stupid (damn)
The only way I’m coming back to you is if you dream it, lucid (yeah)
Prove it, if you made a promise, then keep it (keep it)
Why you wanna lie, and then get mad? I don’t believe it (boy, bye)

### 解説
ここでは、歌い手が恋人に裏切られたことを非難しています。「You did me wrong ‘cause I let you」は、恋人が自分を傷つけたのは自分がそれを許したからだという意味です。「lucid」は、明晰夢を意味し、現実には戻らないことを示唆しています。

But really, I was doing just fine without ya
Looking fine, sipping wine, dancing on club couches (ah)
Baby, why you wanna lose me like you don’t need me? (Like you don’t need me)
Like I don’t block you and you still try to reach me (still try to reach me)
How you figure out how to call me from the TV? (Huh?)
You running outta chances, and this time I mean it (ah)

### 解説
この部分では、歌い手が恋人なしでもうまくやっていたことを表現しています。「sipping wine, dancing on club couches」は、クラブでワインを飲みながら踊ることを意味し、楽しい時間を過ごしていることを示しています。「You running outta chances」は、恋人がもうチャンスを失っていることを意味します。

Yeah, bet you miss my love, all in your bed (bed)
Now you’re stressing out, pulling your hair (hair)
Smelling your pillows and wishing I was there (I was there)
Sliding down the shower wall, looking sad (sad)
I know it’s hard to let go, I’m the best (I’m the best)
Best you ever had and best you gon’ get (gon’ get)
And if we break up, I don’t wanna be friends (be friends)
You’re toxic

### 解説
ここでは、歌い手が恋人が自分を恋しがっていることを表現しています。「bet you miss my love」は、恋人が自分の愛を恋しがっていることを意味し、「pulling your hair」は、ストレスで髪を引っ張ることを表現しています。「You’re toxic」は、恋人が有害であることを示しています。

Beautiful mistakes I make inside my head
She’s naked in my bed
And now we lie awake, making beautiful mistakes
I wouldn’t take ‘em back
I’m in love with the past
And now we lie awake, making beautiful mistakes

Nah-nah-nah, in my head
Nah-nah-nah, in my bed
Nah-nah-nah (yeah, yeah, oh)
Making beautiful mistakes

Nah-nah-nah, in my head
Nah-nah-nah, in my bed
Nah-nah-nah (ay, beautiful)
Making beautiful mistakes

Nah-nah-nah (ooh)
(Beautiful mistakes)

### 解説


1. 現在進行形
“I’m just depressed that you’re gone”
“Now I’m not holdin’ on”

2. 過去形
“I took a shot of memories”
“I made up lies inside my head”

3. 未来形
“One day, you’ll come back to me”

4. 仮定法
“The only way I’m coming back to you is if you dream it, lucid”

5. 現在完了形
“I know it’s hard to let go, I’m the best”

6. 受動態
“You’re like a broken home to me”

7. 直接話法と間接話法
“Why you wanna lie, and then get mad?”

8. 比較級
“Best you ever had and best you gon’ get”
