

Top image:©Justin Bieber
リリース: 2015年
アルバム: 538 Hitzone 75
ジャンル: クラシック、 R&B/ソウル、 オルタナティブ/インディーズ、 ダンス/エレクトロニック、 ポップ、 ヒップホップ/ラップ、 カントリー

Justin Bieber – What Do You Mean?

What Do You Mean? – Lyrics

What do you mean? Oh, oh
When you nod your head yes
But you wanna say no
What do you mean? Hey-ey
When you don’t want me to move
But you tell me to go
What do you mean?
Oh, what do you mean?
Said you’re running out of time, what do you mean?
Oh, oh, oh, what do you mean?
Better make up your mind
What do you mean?
You’re so indecisive, what I’m saying
Tryna catch the beat, make up your heart
Don’t know if you’re happy or complaining
Don’t want for us to end, where do I start?
First you wanna go to the left, then you wanna turn right
Wanna argue all day, making love all night
First you’re up, then you’re down and then between
Oh, I really wanna know
What do you mean? Oh, oh
When you nod your head yes
But you wanna say no
What do you mean? Hey-yeah
When you don’t want me to move
But you tell me to go
What do you mean?
Oh, what do you mean?
Said you’re running out of time, what do you mean?
Oh, oh, oh, what do you mean?
Better make up your mind
What do you mean?
You’re overprotective when I’m leaving
Tryna compromise but I can’t win
You wanna make a point, but you keep preaching
You had me from the start, won’t let this end
First you wanna go to the left, then you wanna turn right
Wanna argue all day, making love all night
First you’re up, then you’re down and then between
Oh, I really wanna know
What do you mean? Oh, oh
When you nod your head yes
But you wanna say no
What do you mean? Hey-yeah
When you don’t want me to move
But you tell me to go
What do you mean?
(I wanna know)
Oh, what do you mean?
Said you’re running out of time, what do you mean?
(Oh baby)
Oh, oh, oh, what do you mean?
Better make up your mind
What do you mean?
Oh, oh (this is ours baby, yeah)
When you nod your head yes
But you wanna say no
What do you mean?
(You’re so confusing baby) Hey-yeah
When you don’t want me to move
But you tell me to go
What do you mean?
(Be more straight forward)
Oh, what do you mean?
Said you’re running out of time, what do you mean?
Oh, oh, oh, what do you mean?
Better make up your mind
What do you mean?

ソングライター: Justin Bieber, Mason David Levy, Jason P. D. Boyd

What Do You Mean? – 歌詞和訳

What do you mean? Oh, oh
どういう意味だい? おお、おお
When you nod your head yes
But you wanna say no
What do you mean? Hey-ey
どういう意味だい? へいーえい
When you don’t want me to move
But you tell me to go
What do you mean?
Oh, what do you mean?
Said you’re running out of time, what do you mean?
Oh, oh, oh, what do you mean?
Better make up your mind
What do you mean?
You’re so indecisive, what I’m saying
Tryna catch the beat, make up your heart
Don’t know if you’re happy or complaining
Don’t want for us to end, where do I start?
First you wanna go to the left, then you wanna turn right
Wanna argue all day, making love all night
First you’re up, then you’re down and then between
Oh, I really wanna know
What do you mean? Oh, oh
どういう意味だい? おお、おお
When you nod your head yes
But you wanna say no
What do you mean? Hey-yeah
どういう意味だい? へいーえい
When you don’t want me to move
But you tell me to go
What do you mean?
Oh, what do you mean?
Said you’re running out of time, what do you mean?
Oh, oh, oh, what do you mean?
Better make up your mind
What do you mean?
You’re overprotective when I’m leaving
Tryna compromise but I can’t win
You wanna make a point, but you keep preaching
You had me from the start, won’t let this end
First you wanna go to the left, then you wanna turn right
Wanna argue all day, making love all night
First you’re up, then you’re down and then between
Oh, I really wanna know
What do you mean? Oh, oh
どういう意味だい? おお、おお
When you nod your head yes
But you wanna say no
What do you mean? Hey-yeah
どういう意味だい? へいーえい
When you don’t want me to move
But you tell me to go
What do you mean?
(I wanna know)
Oh, what do you mean?
Said you’re running out of time, what do you mean?
(Oh baby)
Oh, oh, oh, what do you mean?
Better make up your mind
What do you mean?
Oh, oh (this is ours baby, yeah)
When you nod your head yes
But you wanna say no
What do you mean?
(You’re so confusing baby) Hey-yeah
When you don’t want me to move
But you tell me to go
What do you mean?
(Be more straight forward)
Oh, what do you mean?
Said you’re running out of time, what do you mean?
Oh, oh, oh, what do you mean?
Better make up your mind
What do you mean?


1. Indecisive
意味: 優柔不断な
発音: /ˌɪndɪˈsaɪsɪv/
例文: She is very indecisive when it comes to choosing a restaurant.
訳: 彼女はレストランを選ぶときにとても優柔不断です。

2. Compromise
意味: 妥協する
発音: /ˈkɒmprəmaɪz/
例文: They had to compromise to reach an agreement.
訳: 彼らは合意に達するために妥協しなければなりませんでした。

3. Preaching
意味: 説教する
発音: /ˈpriːtʃɪŋ/
例文: He was preaching about the importance of honesty.
訳: 彼は正直の重要性について説教していました。

4. Protective
意味: 保護的な
発音: /prəˈtɛktɪv/
例文: She is very protective of her younger brother.
訳: 彼女は弟をとても保護しています。

5. Argue
意味: 口論する
発音: /ˈɑːrɡjuː/
例文: They often argue about small things.
訳: 彼らは小さなことについてよく口論します。

6. Complicated
意味: 複雑な
発音: /ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd/
例文: The instructions were too complicated to understand.
訳: 指示が複雑すぎて理解できませんでした。

7. Confusing
意味: 混乱させる
発音: /kənˈfjuːzɪŋ/
例文: The directions were very confusing.
訳: その指示はとても混乱させるものでした。

8. Straightforward
意味: 率直な
発音: /ˌstreɪtˈfɔːrwərd/
例文: His explanation was clear and straightforward.
訳: 彼の説明は明確で率直でした。

9. Decisive
意味: 決定的な
発音: /dɪˈsaɪsɪv/
例文: She made a decisive decision to move abroad.
訳: 彼女は海外に引っ越すという決定的な決断をしました。

10. Compromise
意味: 妥協する
発音: /ˈkɒmprəmaɪz/
例文: They had to compromise to reach an agreement.
訳: 彼らは合意に達するために妥協しなければなりませんでした。


What do you mean? Oh, oh
When you nod your head yes
But you wanna say no
What do you mean? Hey-ey
When you don’t want me to move
But you tell me to go
What do you mean?
Oh, what do you mean?
Said you’re running out of time, what do you mean?
Oh, oh, oh, what do you mean?
Better make up your mind
What do you mean?


You’re so indecisive, what I’m saying
Tryna catch the beat, make up your heart
Don’t know if you’re happy or complaining
Don’t want for us to end, where do I start?
First you wanna go to the left, then you wanna turn right
Wanna argue all day, making love all night
First you’re up, then you’re down and then between
Oh, I really wanna know


You’re overprotective when I’m leaving
Tryna compromise but I can’t win
You wanna make a point, but you keep preaching
You had me from the start, won’t let this end
First you wanna go to the left, then you wanna turn right
Wanna argue all day, making love all night
First you’re up, then you’re down and then between
Oh, I really wanna know


Oh, oh (this is ours baby, yeah)
When you nod your head yes
But you wanna say no
What do you mean?
(You’re so confusing baby) Hey-yeah
When you don’t want me to move
But you tell me to go
What do you mean?
(Be more straight forward)
Oh, what do you mean?
Said you’re running out of time, what do you mean?
Oh, oh, oh, what do you mean?
Better make up your mind
What do you mean?



1. 疑問文の構造
歌詞のタイトルや繰り返し部分にある「What do you mean?」は、疑問文の基本的な構造を示しています。
構造: 疑問詞 (What) + 助動詞 (do) + 主語 (you) + 動詞の原形 (mean)
例: What do you mean? (あなたは何を意味しているのですか?)

2. 現在進行形
「When you don’t want me to move, But you tell me to go」などの部分では、現在進行形が使われています。
構造: be動詞 (am/is/are) + 動詞のing形
例: You are running out of time. (あなたは時間がなくなってきています。)

3. 命令文
「Better make up your mind」などの部分では、命令文が使われています。
構造: 動詞の原形で始まる文
例: Make up your mind. (決心しなさい。)

4. 否定文
「But you wanna say no」や「When you don’t want me to move」などの部分では、否定文が使われています。
構造: 助動詞 (do/does) + not + 動詞の原形
例: You do not want me to move. (あなたは私に動いてほしくない。)

5. 比較級
「You’re so indecisive, what I’m saying」などの部分では、形容詞の比較級が使われています。
構造: 形容詞 + er (短い形容詞の場合) または more + 形容詞 (長い形容詞の場合)
例: You are more indecisive. (あなたはもっと優柔不断です。)

6. 句動詞
「Tryna catch the beat, make up your heart」などの部分では、句動詞が使われています。
構造: 動詞 + 前置詞/副詞
例: Make up (決心する), Catch up (追いつく)
